Edu Passion
Agranasta is the title of this year Edu Passion (2019). Agranasta was held by the 66th Student Council in SMAN 3 Bandung and i am part of the student council that makes me one of the committee of this event. This event was supported by our school because this programs related to education which is so so so good.
We invited so many university for example : Binus University, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Universitas Indonesia, Institut Pertanian Bogor, London School of Public Relations, Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara (this is my future collage anyway!) and many more. There are 3 performances in this program such as Giri Harja 2, LSS, and KV. This program supported by Kimia Farma and Bank BJB and there are a few media partners in this event such as Pikiran Rakyat, Tribun Jabar and Urban Radio.
The 12th grade students very enthusiastic about this program because they get more knowledge about their future collage. This event was made for Warga Tiga, not just for the 12th grade students so the 10th and 11th grade students is also the target of this program. Our neighborhood, some students of SMAN 5 Bandung also get carried away by this event so you could imagine that us the committee were very happy for the enthuasiastic. There are so many food tenants in this event and you need to change your money with coupons so it is easier for us if we want to buy some food or drinks.
Maybe that's enough for now, see you on the next Edu Passion!
Maybe that's enough for now, see you on the next Edu Passion!
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